
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Latest Weed Laws in Ohio.

Recreational use of marijuana remains illegal in Ohio.  The state does allow the medical use of weed.  House Bill 523, which took effect back in 2016, established the structure for medical marijuana in the state.  While there are no dispensaries set up, eligible patients my obtain a state-issued patient identification card to use as an effective defense.

Like most states, Ohio has substantially loosened its marijuana laws.  Possessing less than three and a half ounces of cannabis is considered a minor misdemeanor according to Buckeye State law.  However, you could have your driver’s license suspended for up to five years!  That last point may have gotten your attention.

How many of us can afford to give up our driver’s license for even a week?  This is serious business, so take it just as seriously if you are busted for marijuana possession in the State of Ohio even in this relaxed era you may need vigorous defense.  Many times, the only sin you may have committed is not call Jon.  He is Akron criminal attorney Jon Sinn at (330) 431-0160.

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