
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Should I Hire an Attorney for a DUI Charge?

The answer is always an emphatic YES!  The simplest explanation is this…there is definitely no question about should you get a lawyer for a DUI or not.  An expert DUI attorney is far more likely to save your driver’s license from getting suspended and get a DUI or OVI charge reduced or even dismissed.

The single most common reason why people hesitate getting legal help after a DUI arrest is the fear of not being able to afford an attorney.  This critical mistake loses valuable defense time and most often happens in first offense cases when a driver is unaware of how affordable DUI defense is when weighed against the consequences of representing yourself.

Don’t be a fool as the saying goes and try to fight a DUI charge alone.  Ohio courts are anything but sympathetic to a charge of DUI or OVI.  Take no chances with your future and get strong, affordable representation from attorney Jon Sinn representing Northeast Ohio.  Many times, the only sin you have committed is NOT calling Jon…attorney Jon Sinn at (330) 431-0160.

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