
Thursday, October 1, 2020

How Does Concealed Carry from Other States Apply to Ohioans?

What are the laws that cover a concealed handgun when brought in from another state…say Michigan? Here is a general explanation…Ohio’s attorney general shall negotiate a reciprocity agreement with any other state that grants a concealed handgun license. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

Sometimes a friend comes to visit from another state and the concealed carry law governing the Buckeye State gets them into some hot water. You may need an experienced attorney to sort all of this out. Do not wait until things get out of hand (and they can go south quickly!) before you contact said attorney.

Ohio criminal lawyer Jon Sinn is always just a phone call away to help you through a potential crisis. Many times the only sin you may have committed is not calling Jon. That’s Akron attorney Jon Sinn. Look up his success stories on the web at Call or text for help 24/7 at (330) 431-0160.

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