
Monday, August 31, 2020

It Does Not Get More Serious than This!

A charge of first degree murder is not without defenses. Perhaps the police simply have the wrong person. It may also be argued that they committed the killing, but they were justified in doing so because of self-defense. A defendant may argue that they are not guilty of first degree murder because one or more of the elements of the crime was not met.

First degree murder is a VERY specific crime. These elements must be present –  

  1. Another person must have been killed
  2. There must be specific intent
  3. The act was deliberate
  4. It was done with premeditation

Most lawyers in the state of Ohio may shy away from these high-profile cases…NOT Jon Sinn! This Akron criminal attorney dives in and defends the accused aggressively. Sometimes the only sin you may have committed was NOT calling Jon right away. If you or a loved one has been detained on a charge of homicide in Ohio call Jon Sinn at (330) 431-0160.

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