
Monday, April 1, 2019

Help…Not Jail.

Drug offenders struggling with substance abuse or dependence need help, not jail!  It is a statement that has been shouted all over the U.S. and Northeast Ohio is NO exception.  Instead of incarceration, for people charged with drug possession offenses or drug-related probation and parole violations there is community-based treatment.

Latinos and Blacks are particularly harder effected by the tendency to just “throw the offender in jail” rather than seek treatment.  There are various resources to seek out in the Akron area.  My goodness, you can even wear t-shirts that show your support for humane drug treatment throughout Northeast Ohio.

What you should always do is fight incarceration for a drug offense!  In that vein I offer my services.  I am drug defense attorney Jon Sinn.  I have battled for treatment over incarceration for my entire defense career.  Truly in this case, the only sin you may have committed is not thinking about calling me.  I am Jon Sinn Akron drug defense lawyer at (330) 431-0160.

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