What happens when you are arrested for using a handgun? IF the gun was used in a measure of
self-defense the police will probably still confiscate the weapon. They may also put you in handcuffs and haul
you off to the police station. Even when
the shooting takes place late at night in your own home this is likely to
The next thing that the cops will do is take your gun to
ballistics to test if your bullets match those that are in the home invader
that you shot. From this point, you hope
that the handgun will be returned to you when it is fully determined that this
was an act of pure self-defense.
Unfortunately, it does not always go so smoothly.
If you are involved in protecting yourself and/or your
property and have shot someone with a legal handgun that you own take swift
action. Call Ohio handgun defense
attorney Jon Sinn. Attorney Sinn knows
that good people may sometimes be treated as if they were criminals. He will fight for your rights in Northeast,
Ohio. The only sin is to not call
Jon. Jon Sinn at (330) 431-0160.