
Monday, April 15, 2024

DUI/OVI Defense.

If you or a loved one has been arrested on a charge of DUI or OVI (operating a vehicle while impaired) charge you need strong, experienced defense. In northern Ohio that is provided by Jon Sinn of Akron. He is just the DUI lawyer you need at a time like this!

Attorney Jon Sinn is a former prosecutor. He knows both sides. Police protocols and the Ohio court system will not surprise him while vigorously defending his client. DUI attorney Jon Sinn can help you protect your future against a DUI conviction.

If you need strong DUI or OVI defense in the Akron, Ohio area call Jon Sinn right away. Over half of Jon Sinn’s DUI cases end in a reduction of the potential sentence. For DUI/OVI defense in northeast Ohio, call lawyer Jon Sinn. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Marijuana Possession in Ohio.

Until that day comes when marijuana is legal in the Buckeye State, you may need a marijuana defense attorney to represent you. Jon Sinn of Akron is the right person for the job. He has over 20 years of experience in marijuana license suspension cases.

Not only that, but he has dealt with trafficking, drug paraphernalia, and other related charges. Tho Ohio courts unfortunately do not yet see it as “no big deal”. It is a marijuana charge, and it is illegal in this state…period!

Attorney Jon Sinn, a noted defense lawyer in Akron, has defended all types of cases. Why not give him a call to see if he can help you with your marijuana possession case? Jon Sinn’s talents are many and varied. See for yourself at