
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Homicide 101.

Let’s go to Wikipedia for a definition. Homicide is defined as…the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another. It must be deliberate to even be considered a homicide. So, what does that REALLY mean. That is what homicide defense attorney Jon Sinn is here for. He handles criminal cases throughout the Akron area.

Even if one is accused of homicide, it may well be “wrongful death” instead and result in a civil suit. For example, there may have been “justifiable homicide” which is a homicide that is eventually deemed justified if the law allows lethal force in a self-defense situation. That’s a HUGE difference…right?

When you retain Akron Criminal Lawyer Jon Sinn you are hiring one of the very best. He has had experience as a prosecutor and a vigorous defender of YOUR rights! Don’t waste another minute on this important decision. Call Attorney Jon Sinn anytime at (330) 431-0160. You can see why it is important to call him by visiting

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