
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Holiday Time in Northeast Ohio.

It has been my honor to serve those accused of crimes in Akron and Northeast Ohio throughout this century. Our area is coming out of its Covid-fog and getting back to normal. My name is Jon Sinn, Akron criminal defense attorney. I hope that you will take this time to explore all of the activities around Akron this December.

A beautiful family production takes place at The Akron Civic Theater on Dec. 19th. It is the Lightwire Theater production of A Very Electric Christmas. Follow the story of a young bird, named Max and his family, as they begin their journey south for the winter. When Max gets blown off course, he ends up at the North Pole.

There are so many activities to enjoy this holiday season in Northeast Ohio. Please know that in 2022 I will be there to defend those accused of crimes in and around Akron, Ohio. My name again, is Jon Sinn and you can read more about me at From my family to yours, have a happy and prosperous New Year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Why Should You Call Jon Sinn?

There are many criminal defense attorneys in the Akron area. So, why should you call Jon Sinn when there is an accusation of a criminal nature against you or a loved one? To understand why this might be a great idea let’s take the story back more than a quarter century ago.

In 1994 the lawyer who would become one of Akron Ohio’s most successful defenders graduated from the University of Akron and went immediately to the Summit County Prosecutor’s office. Jon Sinn soon became one of the most successful Ohio PROSECUTORS in the state.

By the turn of the century, he developed a desire to help those accused of criminal infractions instead of prosecuting them. Today, Jon Sinn is one of the most successful Ohio criminal defense attorneys extant. Call Akron criminal defense attorney Jon Sinn at (330) 431-0160. You will see many of his achievements at