
Monday, January 13, 2025

Sex Crimes Defense in Akron.

No crime carries quite the stigma of a sex crime. It will potentially scar someone for the rest of their lives. If you, or someone you care about, have been accused of a sex crime, seek immediate help. Call Jon Sinn an Akron defense attorney.

Jon handles the tough cases in Northeast Ohio that others may shy away from. It does not matter if it is a rape charge, computer pornography, or something else. You’ll find that Jon is the man with plenty of experience defending Ohioans against sex crime charges.

Akron defense lawyer Jon Sinn used to work for the prosecution where he cut his teeth on criminal law back in the 90’s. He has well over 20 years of experience on “the other side” of the aisle. Call attorney Jon Sinn today!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

You May Need a DUI Attorney.

A good DUI lawyer will help you for years to come. If you are convicted of a DUI charge, your life will change for the worst…maybe for the rest of your life! The DUI defense attorney that you choose to represent you is vital.

Defense attorney Jon Sinn of Akron, Ohio is an experienced DUI lawyer. You’ll find that many attorneys handle these cases, but only a few have the background and skill to get you the best deal you possibly can.

Akron Defense Lawyer Jon Sinn is a man that you should probably call if you or a loved one has been accused of a DUI violation. Learn more about Jon Sinn by visiting on the web to see his many talents.