
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Jury vs. Bench…That is the Question.

The choice between a jury or bench trial is an important one.  You need a top-flight criminal defense attorney who understands the important advantages and disadvantages of both.  There is so much stress if you have been accused of a major crime in the State of Ohio.  The family is probably not thinking rationally.  You need to retain someone who is!

Some might prefer bench trials if they have a particularly complicated case that they believe may confuse a jury.  Bench trials tend to have outcomes more favorable to professionals.  For the plaintiff a jury trial might be preferable.  Judges often have a firmer grasp on “the burden of proof” than 12 diverse individuals.

When you have Jon Sinn represent you in a criminal case in Northeast Ohio he will guide you through the difficult path of the type of trial and defense issues that you need from a third party who has had decades of experience working for both the prosecutor and the defense.  Many times, the only sin you may have committed is NOT hiring Jon.  Call Akron criminal defense attorney Jon Sinn at (330) 431-0160.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Romeo and Juliet Law in Ohio.

Where fore art thou?  This is not about where, but rather what.  What is the Romeo and Juliet Law?  Very simply, it is designed to prevent the prosecution of underage couples who engage in consensual sex when both participants are very close in age to each other, but one or both are below the age of consent.

So, what is the age of consent in the State of Ohio?  It is currently 16.  Someone who has passed their 16th birthday can consent to have sex with another individual no matter what their age difference is.  Now here is an interesting caveat… Ohio's age of consent law currently only applies to heterosexual encounters.

Whether you agree with the above or not, it is the law pure and simple.  Sex crime defense attorney Jon Sinn is determined to defend it.  No matter what your peers may think, the only sin you may have committed is NOT calling Jon.  If you or a loved one is involved in any type of sex crime call attorney Jon Sinn in Akron at (330) 431-0160.